Reflective Log


For this week, we had started a new topic which is all about London and we were assigned to do some research and find a few websites and videos promoting London and what it has to offer. I picked a website, which is on my research tab for my blog, and wrote down what it had feature, such as images, the text style and how the presented the information and the colours as well and what they represent. I am looking forward to starting this new project because it will probably include new skills that we might learn in the near future and also work on programmes I am familiar with and enjoy to use.


For this week, we went on a trip to the museum of London and walked around the area to look at famous buildings and buildings that look out of the ordinary that we could use for a Yoni Alter project we had done the day before. I also made an art work using Photoshop using Famous London tourist attractions and had to use Photoshop to make it the same way Yoni Alter does his art work, which is to crop a certain part of a building on Photoshop and then add a layer over the picture and cut the selected part of the image on the new layer and change the colour of it and change the opacity so that when other colours are laid above the previous image, it would change colour to give it a CMYK look to it.


This week I had to create a few things, one of them was to create an animation GIF about London, to which I created a GIF of the queen with a larger head jumping over Buckingham palace and I used Adobe InDesign as I've used it before to create a GIF and because I used InDesign in the past, it was an easy task to do. I also made a word document of what ideas I had for my FMP and had to find out why it's a good option to choose and after I chose what I wanted to do, I created a tally chart questionnaire to see what people think of shopping centres.


I have been working on my FMP for the past week on our online classes due to the corona virus outbreak. I have been limited to my work because of few programmes and research needed for a few projects within the unit. But I have made best of what I have and am trying my hardest to keep everything to minimal standards and up to date in these times.


This week I've been working on my Pechakucha and Proposal part of my blog as I missed out on them because of our current situation. We were given a link to download a few software's such as Photoshop and Premiere pro so that we can work on a few tasks that needed them such as our stills that I managed to do and also edit photos that might be copyrighted and we have to edit them heavily fro it to surpass as our photo. I also managed to complete my stills in Premiere but I had an issue where I couldn't export the video and resorted in me having to 'prt sc' so at least there was proof of me doing my stills.

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